Derek Turnbull
So many choices
Now I have just started buying Olights since the July sale and I must say there is a light for every occasion and application I'm pretty sure. I think the most useful ones are the Obulbs whether it's around the house working behind the entertainment center and trying to hook up wires, working on your vehicle and needing that extra bit of light under the hood or inside or even for you kid at night when reading a book, having a nightlight or when they just want to have a cool light floating in their bath.
Another light I seem to use occasionally is the i5T since it's has a ton of light output for its compact size. I've used that model a handful of times around the house working on things and have been very impressed at the light output.
Now the Baldr S has been a great light/laser combo that I have used on my Glock at the range and it really does help as a training tool to work on having a steady hand and a firm grip when shooting. It definitely holds up great shot after shot and comes with the second adapter so you can use it on multiple different firearm applications. The Baldr S is definitely a light I will buy a second of if not a 3rd too just so I can have then set up for different guns I have.
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